DAM, H. van - Teach all nations
Artikelnummer: 355232 OverzichtH. van Dam | teach all nations | stories from 2000 year church history.
Dit is de Engelse vertaling van Het Woord gaat voort. Het boek is op dezelfde wijze uitgevoerd als de Nederlandse versie. Aan de vertaling is veel zorg besteed door native speakers die vertrouwd zijn met de reformatorische doelgroep.
At Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out. He then came to live in the Church of Christ. From that time on, the Holy Spirit ensured that the Word of God was proclaimed not only in Israel, but also in other countries, among the Gentiles. For almost two thousand years now. How that happened can be read in this book. 120 stories provide a fascinating picture of Church history. Each story comes with a beautiful color illustration. Intended for ages from about ten years, but it is also a beautiful and educational book for older people.
ISBN: ??
Gebonden - Dutch Reformed Tract Society - 2012 - 253 pag.
Gebruikte hardcover in zeer goede staat.